Join the EnlightenNext global network today

EnlightenNEXT Members in Action

Your Participation, Our Future

EnlightenNext depends on the help of our members to help us accomplish our mission. Here are just a few ways you can help us get the word out.

  1. Visit your local library, speak to the librarian, and ask them to subscribe to What Is Enlightenment?
  2. Visit your local bookstore and suggest that they carry What Is Enlightenment? magazine.
  3. Give a subscription to What Is Enlightenment? to your local hairdresser.
  4. Give a subscription to What Is Enlightenment? to your doctor or dentist.
  5. Give a subscription to What Is Enlightenment? to your local coffee shop.
  6. Give a gift subscription to What Is Enlightenment? magazine to family and friends.
  7. Give a gift membership to EnlightenNext.
  8. Send an email to all your friends and let them know about What Is Enlightenment? magazine.
  9. Send us your suggestions of ways to expand people's awareness of What Is Enlightenment? magazine, and then write to us about your experience.
  10. Attend one of our numerous conferences, talks, public events, or retreats, and bring a friend!
  11. Invite some friends over to read and discuss an article from What Is Enlightenment? magazine.
  12. Give a book to a friend from our Voices from the Edge book series.
  13. Start a book club featuring authors from our Voices from the Edge speakers series.
  14. Pass on emails about upcoming presentations and talks to any friends in the local area of the event.
  15. Let us know about the leading thinkers in your area of expertise that we might be interested in featuring in the pages of our magazine.
  16. Come up with additional ways to help!