In July, 2004, WIE sent ten of its staff, including editor in chief Andrew Cohen, to Barcelona, Spain to attend the Parliament of the World's Religions. This interfaith gathering, held once every five or six years, brought together nine thousand religious leaders, teachers, activists, and scholars from every corner of the globe for a fascinating week of dialogues and discussions exploring all things religious—from peace to prayer to fundamentalism to the future.

With the largest press team in attendance, the WIE staff was running from early morning to late at night, conducting interviews, attending events, discussing critical issues, hosting receptions, and filming it all for a documentary that is now in the works. On this page we hope to provide you with some fascinating glimpses behind the scenes at the Parliament as we asked some of the brightest minds in Barcelona about the nature of the religious impulse in our 21st century world.

Mary Evelyn Tucker
A Universe of Hope

WIE editor Carter Phipps speaks with religious scholar Mary Evelyn Tucker about the future of religion. Tucker, author of Worldly Wonder: Religions Enter Their Ecological Phase, explains why she feels that the religious traditions, as they evolve to meet the demands of a changing world, may provide the ground from which real leadership—spiritually based and cosmologically oriented—can emerge.


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The Parliament in Pictures

Yes, we were filming a documentary, but we didn't leave our camera behind! Here you can enjoy a few of the most interesting shots from our time at the Parliament, and see a preview of what we have planned for the WIE article/photo essay in our upcoming fall/winter issue.
Jane Goodall
Nourishing the Soul

Jane Goodall's work with chimps in Africa is renowned for single-handedly forcing the human species to reconsider its relationship with the animal world. WIE founder Andrew Cohen and managing editor Craig Hamilton spoke with Dr. Goodall about the challenges we face in the 21st century, and our responsibility as caretakers of the complex, living entity called Earth.


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Jonathan Granoff
The Power of Love

Author, peace scholar, and nuclear disarmament activist Jonathan Granoff speaks with WIE editor Carter Phipps about the future of the world's religions and their potential contribution to the shaping of international moral and ethical standards. Eloquent and erudite, Granoff emanates a passionate conviction in the power of love to ultimately overcome all forces of division and conflict.


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Tariq Ramadan
The Struggle for Identity: Finding a Path for Islam in the 21st Century

Islamic scholar and author Tariq Ramadan was named by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most important spiritual innovators of the 21st century. Tariq spoke with Carter Phipps about the challenges modern Muslims face as they strive to retain traditional values yet still keep pace with a rapidly developing world.


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» More from the Parliament: WIE Salons